Sunday, August 15, 2010


Statler and I are a bit taken aback about how lively things have become during our enforced period of absence.

Anyone care to update us? Who won the Edgware by-election?


  1. Ha, ha, you start up again, and immediately get a bit of spam!

    Now, there's been various things happening while you have been off-air...

    That Mr Brown is long gone, and in Barnet, ...

  2. Less than 24 hours after your return to the blogosphere, Lynne Hillan backs down over Allowancegate. She knows when she's beaten!

  3. @DCMD - your flattery is noted. This young flibbergibbit, Shooter chap to put him right that it's us who set the agenda around here!

    @316 - thank you for your input. It is appreciated.
